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Have you noticed the similarity between our very own Binky and Shrek?
One lives in a swampy area is a giant of a man with a smooth cranium, ready smile and a beautiful partner, the other is a eponymous character from a film.

Binky Shrek

Have you noticed the amazing similarity between Binky, and Star Trek's Dr Phlox?
One is an unusual looking chap who travels far and wide in the company of people wearing a peculiar 'uniform'. The other is an alien.

Binky Dr Phlox
Dr Phlox

Thanks to Kwin for pointing this out

Have you noticed the amazing similarity between Binky, and Sauron
One is a large chap of immense power who is also known as The Lord of the Rings, the other is a JRR Tolkien character.

Binky Sauron

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