Diamond Geezer Title


The Cibi (Fijian War Dance)

By Ratu Bola

Ai tei vovo, tei vovo
E ya, e ya, e ya, e ya
Tei vovo, tei vovo
E ya e ya, e ya, e ya
Rai tu mai , rai tu mai
Oi au a viriviri kemu bai
Rai tu mai, rai ti mai
Oi au a viriviri kemu bai
Toa yalewa, toa yalewa
Veico, veico, veico
Au tabu moce koi au
Au moce ga ki domo ni biau
E luvu koto ki ra nomu waqa
O kaya beka au sa luvu sara
Nomu bai e wawa mere
Au tokia ga ka tasere

English translation:

Make ready, make ready
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Make ready, make ready
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Look hither, look hither
I build a breastwork for you
Look hither, look hither
I build a breastwork for you
A cock and a hen
They attack, attack, attack
It is tabu for me to slumber
Except to the sound of breakers
Your ship is sunk below
Don't think I'm drowned too
Your defence is just waiting
To crumble when I prick it

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If you think these lyrics are incorrect or if you have alternative lyrics (preferably funny and Quins related ones) drop me a line

This is copyright of the lyricist/songwriter and is only used here to aid our singing and to reduce the use of the phrases: "La-la-la", "Dum-ti-dum" and "Errr, hang on a minute, I'll remember in a minute".

Last Updated 6/11/03


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