Diamond Geezer Title


I've Lost All My Feeling

I can't close my eyes anymore or I get the spins
And there's no sensation anymore in my fingertips
I'm trying hard not to throw up
Soon maybe, maybe I'll grow up

I've lost all my feeling
Whoaoooa all my feeling
I've lost all my feeling
Now it's gone, gone, gone

Now there's a welcome look in my eyes when I reach for booze
And my liver spots and yellow eyes are my drinking dues
It makes me just feel like crying (baby)
Cause baby, it's last call and I'm buying

I've lost all my feeling
Whoaoooa all my feeling
I've lost all my feeling
Now it's gone, gone, gone

Porcelain baby, I'll get down on my knees for you
If you would only soothe me like you used to do, yeah
We had a night, a night, a night you don't have everyday
So don't don't don't let memory slip away

Barkeep (barkeep) barkeep (barkeep)
I need some rum (I need some rum) I need some rum (I need some rum)
And bring Labatt's (and bring Labatt's) and bring Labatt's (and bring Labatt's)

Bring back that Labatt's feeling
Whooa that Labatt's feeling
Bring back that Labatt's feeling
Cause it's gone...gone..gone
And I won't last long

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If you think these lyrics are incorrect or if you have alternative lyrics (preferably funny and Quins related ones) drop me a line

This is copyright of the lyricist/songwriter and is only used here to aid our singing and to reduce the use of the phrases: "La-la-la", "Dum-ti-dum" and "Errr, hang on a minute, I'll remember in a minute".

Last Updated 20/1/02


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