Diamond Geezer Title


Have you ever noticed the similarity between our very own RugbyBird and Sandra Bullock?
One is Miss congeniality herself, a famous beauty, who is renowned for the speed of her driving, the other one is a thespian,

Bullock RB
Rugby Bird
Sandra Bullock


Rumour has reached our ears that some blackguards are saying that our very own RugbyBird is the spitting image of Medusa!
Apparently any man who is given the eye ends up in a terrible predicament - Medusa's look caused men to turn to stone which is obviously incredibly different to RugbyBirds look which causes her favourite players (Dan Luger & Roy Winters) to suffer severe injury!
So let me repeat again there is absolutely no similarity between Medusa and RugbyBird at all!

Medusa RB
Rugby Bird

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